Friday, June 10, 2016

Weekly News 6/10

So this week in our news we have a few things that are exciting and a few things that are hopefully going to be good.

First off if you haven't played Lego Dimensions I suggest you start doing that right away. I'm just waiting for another sale to get the last three packs that are out right now, other than that I have everything and have been enjoying it. This September they are bring even more stuff to the game, and by stuff I mean awesomeness. The new Ghostbusters, The Goonies, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Adventure Time, Lego City Undercover, Mission: Impossible, The Lego Batman Movie, The A-Team, Sonic The Hedgehog, Teen Titans GO!, Knight Rider, E.T. The Extra-Terrestial, The Powerpuff Girls, Gremlins, and Beetlejuice. All things that I like. So this should be awesome.

Another game that I believe that will be awesome is Horizon: Zero Dawn. Now unfortunately it was pushed out of this year and has a new release date.  It is now coming out on February 28th 2017.  Make sure you check out the awesome new trailer.

Something that could be good is a game that I totally forgot about since last E3 and that is World of Final Fantasy. It now has a release date of October 25th, which is a month after 15.  I wonder if that was a wise decision.  I know it is for a new audience and current ones, but still if 15 takes as long as other games, it will take a long time to beat.  Oh yeah and it is a Sony exclusive.

Something else that was shown this week was Watch Dogs 2.  Supposed to come out November 15th of this year.  We’ll see if that happens.  I probably won't end up getting this game though.  Only enjoyed the game to play through it and haven’t touched it since.

In Battlefront we got the release date for the next DLC Bespin.  Comes out the 21st for people with the season pass and July 5th for everyone else.  Hopefully this will get me back into playing this game. Dengar and Lando are the new hero and villain characters.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sorry For The Huge Delay

Hey guys.

Sorry for the long wait.  I had at one time given up on this blog as most of you have probably noticed.  I am going to try and be on here a lot more and work side by side with my Youtube channel Hottpi.  First things first.  I'm going to be playing some games.