Thursday, January 16, 2014

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Wii U

Well what can I say.  I do love the game, but it is unplayable on my TV.  The reason being is because Sam hardly outputs any sound.  When I play on the Gamepad I can hear him just fine.  I don't know if there is a fix for this, or if I just have a bad game, but it just sucks.
Other than that this is a great game.  I just go around try to be all sneaky like and work my way through the levels.  Doing it this way takes a long time to complete a level.  Of course I have yet to do a perfect run through, which my guess is to not alert anyone and to take down as few opponents as possible.
I love that they brought back being able to move bodies so the other bad people wont find them and know that something is up.  Only thing is when it does the AAR it never shows that I have hidden a body.  So I am not quite sure what to do there.
The game looks really great.  The only thing to complain about is the load times that it takes to play.  Even the base of operations take forever to load, and that is just a plane.  It's nothing really, because once you are in the game it is endless.
Now after not playing shooting games for a while it took me a little while to get used to the controls, I still feel as though I have some work to do to make things perfect.  For instance today when I was playing I wanted to jump up onto a pipe on the ceiling, instead I opened a door and got shot.  That became very annoying when it happened more than once.
I am not that far into the game at this point, and I really wish I could play it on my TV.  I also whish I had friends that had the game so I could play some coop.

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