Monday, December 30, 2013

The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds Impressions

Ok, so I am pretty close to finishing the story in this game and let me tell you something, this game is awesome.  This is one of the first games that I played solely in 3D.  I usually always play in 2D.  The effects of 3D seem to be just perfect, it's not too much and it's noticeable that it is on.  I would have to say it is one of the best games to play in 3D.
When playing this game order does not matter, for the most part.  When starting out you have to places to go to and you can chose, go to the Zora domain, or to the mountains.  Turns out you need to do a little bit of both in order to get into the first dungeon.  Once you make it in the other world it does open it up for me freedom.  The only thing is you do need to finish some dungeons before you are able to enter another world because you will find items needed in those dungeons.  Say you want to go to the Skull Woods, well you can't until you get the Titan's Mitt which is found in one of the other dungeons.  Maybe they do this because those dungeons are a bit more different and they want you to be more prepared.
The main items used in this game can be rented out from your house from a character that you helped out, (you help him he takes over your house).  The majority of the items can be rented for cheap, if you die you lose those items that you rented.  After a while in the game he will let you buy the items.  Once you buy the items you keep them regardless if you fall in battle.  This is an interesting way of doing items, and it works.  Another thing, with each item is that you have an infinite amount of that item.  How much you can use is based off of your stamina bar.  Some items use more and some use less.  Each time you use an item some of  your stamina decreases.  Once your stamina has been depleted you must wait for some of it to come back before you can use the item again.  Also, merging uses stamina, so you must be careful when you are merging and using items.
I would have to say this is a great game.  I am kind of sad that it will be over for me soon.

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